Begin your journey

Begin your journey

Are you ready to begin your journey of vibrant wellness?

By opening up an account with doTERRA you will have access to some of the purest and most tested oils on the planet right now.

If you are looking to up-level your wellbeing, live a more natural lifestyle, or find safe solutions to support your family’s healthcare, then this is exactly where you need to be.

From skin health to immune support to digestive support, these exquisite botanical oils have a myriad of uses and benefits and I am honoured to accompany you in learning more about how to incorporate them into your life.

The easiest and most effective way of starting is by opening your wholesale account with doTERRA and purchasing what is known as an Intro Kit.

These kits vary in size and price and include anything from 10 – 20 different oils.

If you’re just looking for something small and affordable for
1 – 2 people then the FAMILY ESSENTIALS kit is the best to go for.

If you’re looking for something for the whole family then I recommend the HOME ESSENTIALS KIT.

And if you’re looking to make radical changes on many levels then I highly recommend you go for the NATURAL SOLUTIONS KIT. This includes a range of nutritional supplements, green cleaning products, natural skincare, and is tailored for those of you who are ready to make more radical changes in your lives. All of these products are clean, green, and free from heavy metals, pesticides, and any other contaminants.

Collaborate with our team

Collaborate with our team

If you are looking to integrate essential oils into your wellness business please reach out to me directly to find out how to guide people towards a proactive form of healthcare.

We have a number of doulas and life coaches on our team, as well as yoga teachers, bloggers, personal trainers, and stay-at-home parents who wish to create time freedom and financial freedom whilst working from home.

doTERRA provide us with an incredible support team so that we can develop our wellness business in a way that feels authentic and aligned.  There is a generous compensation plan for whatever level of involvement you can manage, and a growing community of inspirational visionaries who are there to support and inspire you.

Why I chose doTERRA – Elena Brower

Come forth into the light of things,

Let nature be your teacher.


– William Wordsworth